Forefront of SRv6 at JANOG43
The Japan Network Operators Group (JANOG) is an open forum to discuss technologies and operational practices around the Internet.
The 43rd JANOG meeting in Yamanashi prefecture, Japan, dedicated a panel session to the ongoing efforts around the SRv6 technology. There has been tremendous activity on SRv6 in Asia, and Japan in particular, over the past few years and this panel session gave the opportunity to some of key players at the SRv6 forefront to provide an update on their respective fields.
Miya Kohno (Cisco) introduced the panel session and Clarence Filsfils (Cisco) provided an SRv6 update. Satoru Matsushima (SoftBank) presented an update on the use of SRv6 for 5G mobile networks, Kentaro Ebisawa (Toyota) on the work conducted by the open-source community and Chunghan Lee (Fujitsu) on the most significant academic contributions.
The panel session shows that networks architects are now designing networks based on SRv6.
Vendors reported on the current and prospective availability of SRv6 features in their products. The Cisco update was presented by Teppei Kamata (Cisco).